Florida Information Page
State of Florida Flag On
a white field emblazoned with a red X and the state seal, Florida's flag represents
the land of sunshine, flowers, palm trees, rivers and lakes. The seal features
a brilliant sun, a cabbage palmetto tree, a steamboat sailing and a Native American
Seminole woman scattering flowers. Flag adopted 1899
Florida State Marine Animal - The Manatee
Florida State Shell -The Horse Conch
Florida State Animal - The Florida Panther
Florida State Bird- The Mockingbird
Florida State Flower - The Orange Blossom
Department of State State Library & Archives of Florida Official
Web Site
Lisitings on the following: Laws and Regulations Florida
Administrative Code Florida Administrative Weekly Florida Constitution
Florida House & Senate Bills Florida Statutes Government-in-the-Sunshine
Governor's Executive Orders Laws of Florida (Session Laws)Municipal Codes
Legal Resources State Resources Web
Site 411 DIRECT (State Government Telephone Directory)Catalog
of State Financial Assistance Elections Online First Amendment Foundation
Florida Government Accountability Report International Affairs Job
Opportunities (State Government) Law Enforcement LeaseNet MyFlorida.com
People First Permitting Information Government Documents State
Purchasing Search Florida Government Web Sites Voter Registration Web
Site National Information Federal Government Government
Documents State Governments State and National Census informatio State
Government Bodies Florida Senate Florida House of Representatives Courts
Governor Cabinet State Agencies/Departments State Boards/Commissions/Other
Offices Water Management Districts Local Resources City Governments
Site City/County List Clerks of County Courts Community
Resources Directory County/City List County Governments County Elections
Supervisors County Extension Offices Florida Association of Counties Florida
League of Cities Florida Ports Council Municipal Codes Police Departments
Property Appraisers Regional Planning Councils Sheriffs Tax Collector Contact
Your Representatives & Government Officials Florida State Legislators (House)
Florida State Legislators (Senate) State Agency Addresses & Telephone
Numbers State Agency E-Mail Naming Standards U.S. Senators U.S. Representatives
U.S. Congress E-Mail Addresses U.S. Government Telephone and E-Mail Directories
Hurricane Disaster Relief, Recovery, and Employment Information:
- Florida
Agency for Workforce Innovation - includes links to information on business
loans and economic development grants, the Disaster Food Stamp Program, National
Emergency Grants, Working in the Disaster Areas, and much more.
- Florida
Department of Health - fact sheets, guidelines, and other related information
for protecting health during the disaster recovery period on many subjects - water
supply risks, home repair safety tips, mold in buildings, mosquitos and disease,
and more.
- FloridaDisaster.org
- from the Florida Division of Emergency Management
- Florida
Hurricane Resources - updates by county, business owners and job seeker resources
and support, and more - from the state of Florida.
Disaster Area Tax Relief for Florida - specific help for Florida Hurricane
victims, including both individuals and businesses.
Disaster Loss Recovery Kit - A 98-page PDF file containing all the forms you
need to document your loss (including one to get free copies of your previously
filed tax returns), so you can apply for loans and/or grants. [Free
PDF file (Adobe Acrobat) reader browser plugin]
- Pensacola
News Journal - moderated forum on the Pensacola News Journal Website
for contractors seeking workers; on 9/26, does not look very well moderated so
be careful of some of these postings. [More
hurricane-related forums from the Pensacola News Journal]
- Retraining
for dislocated workers - if your employer and your job are gone as a result
of the hurricane disaster, you may qualify for retraining.
- Up4Contract
- Post your need for someone to help you repair your home on this site and people
will "bid" on your "contract" with the lowest bid winning.
Kind of an eBay for
short term needs/employment.